4th International Conference Freight traffic on Dnipro River
Premier Palace Hotel, Ukraine, Kyiv

Natalya Krut
Deputy Director
Safety of navigation: dredging of the Dnipro and Pripyat

Sergey Bomchak
Head of Philia
Philia Dredging fleet , Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority
Dnipro floodgates as the bottleneck of river logistics

Dmytro Shershnov
Acting Head
State enterprise of water ways Ukrvodshliah SE
Reform of river transportation – “river” law. Models of efficient management, financing and maintenance of inland waterways

Yevhen Smuryhin
Inland Water Transport Manager
Reform Support Team Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
Legislative initiatives needed to renew competitiveness of inland waterway shipping in Ukraine

Mykhailo Rizak
Deputy general director of government relations
The state of legislative regulation of the inland water transport

Serhiy Tretyakov
Advisor to the General Director

Vladimir Shulmeister
Director Program Future Infrastructure
Transship Ukraine, Ukrainian Institute of the Future
The role of the Maritime Administration in the development of river transport

Alexey Buzuk
Head of Navigational and hydrographic department
State service for maritime and river transport of Ukraine
Liberalization of the flag regime. The factors that could enhance the attractiveness of Ukrainian flag to domestic and international shipowners. Creating the International (second) registry of vessels

Andrey Perepelitsa
Senior Lawyer, ACIArb
Shipbuilding: not here, not for ourselves. Risks and challenges of domestic shipbuilding for Ukrainian shipowners

Volodymyr Kozakevych
General Director
AP Marine
River Information Service – the current state and development prospects

Oleksiy Lyashenko
River Information Service of Ukraine
Fleet and Shipbuilding

Vladimir Shulmeister
Director Program Future Infrastructure
Transship Ukraine, Ukrainian Institute of the Future

Svetlana Malysh
Black Sea Agriculture Markets' Analyst
Thomson Reuters
River transportation of products of mining and smelting enterprises – efficiency or just diversification of logistical risks? Are the volumes going to grow further?

Aleksandr Kalenkov
Association Ukrmetalurgprom
Ways to restore shipbuilding, navigation and infrastructure on Ukraine’s inland waterways

Volodymyr Klimenko
Deputy General Director of Government Relations
River logistics: potential cargo flows and opportunities

Pavlo Pylypenko
Leading Specialist of Commercial Department
Problems and difficulties that occur during transportation of oversized cargoes on the Dnipro

Aleksey Stepanov
Head of Project Department
Dealex transport